Administrative Law

Practicing Lawyers

Select from the lawyers listed below to learn more about how Burchells can offer comprehensive legal advice.

Aaron Connolly

Alexandra Strang

Andrew Paul

Ashley Hamp-Gonsalves

Danielle Keating

Eliza Richardson

Ian S. Joyce

Jason Cooke, KC

Katie Walker

Naiomi W. Metallic, KC

Sarah MacLeod

Tiffany Cheverie

Decisions made by institutions, governments and public bodies are of increasing importance. Burchell Wickwire Bryson LLP represents clients before government, regulatory and administrative boards, and in arbitration proceedings. 

We also provide counsel to a number of tribunals and several of our lawyers have been appointed to sit as board members. 

In addition to representing clients at hearings, we have experienced challenging administrative decisions through judicial review applications before the Nova Scotia and Federal courts. Our lawyers can offer advice, either to assist decision-makers in discharging their legal obligations to afford due process, or in obtaining a court review of the decision-making process.