Aboriginal Law

Practicing Lawyers

Select from the lawyers listed below to learn more about how Burchells can offer comprehensive legal advice.

Aaron Connolly

Alexandra Strang

Andrew Paul

Ashley Hamp-Gonsalves

Danielle Keating

Derek A. Simon

Jason Cooke, KC

Katie Walker

Laura Graham

Naiomi W. Metallic, KC

Roy T. Stewart

Sarah MacLeod

Look at summaries and documents from our current Aboriginal Law matters at the following link: CURRENT CASES

Burchell Wickwire Bryson LLP has the region's largest Aboriginal Law practice, providing legal advice to Aboriginal Peoples in various parts of Canada since 1985 when we acted in support of Treaty Rights in the R. v. Simon case at the Supreme Court of Canada. Since that successful beginning, the lawyers in Burchell Wickwire Bryson LLP's Aboriginal Law Group have acted in many leading cases on behalf of Aboriginal Peoples. That list includes cases at the Supreme Court of Canada, the Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal, the Superior Courts of Alberta, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and a number of Provincial Courts.

In addition to litigating Aboriginal and Treaty rights, Burchells has successfully worked on behalf of First Nations, Tribal Councils and other Aboriginal Peoples' political and governance organisations in dealing with a whole range of issues that include:

  • Aboriginal Rights and Title and Treaty Rights
  • By-Laws, Band Council Resolutions and Custom Codes
  • Business and Investment
  • Consultation and Accommodation
  • Court Challenges to Government Decisions
  • Economic Development and Social Development
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Environmental Laws and Agreements
  • Governance and Elections
  • Harvesting Agreements
  • Human Rights and Equality
  • The Indian Act and related legislation
  • Impacts and Benefits Agreements
  • International Law and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  • Labour and Employment
  • Land Management, Residency and Housing
  • Membership and Citizenship
  • Relationships with Industry
  • Self-Government
  • Specific and Comprehensive Claims
  • Taxation
  • Trusts

In addition to its leading role in Aboriginal Law Burchell Wickwire Bryson LLP is well recognized for its general litigation and business related practices, which are of course of interest to Aboriginal Peoples. Burchell Wickwire Bryson LLP's long standing working relationships with many Aboriginal groups prepare us to deal with the specific social and cultural matters that can arise when providing legal advice concerning these areas of law. We offer comprehensive legal advice in a sensitive and supportive environment.