Best Lawyers in Canada™ administers a list of top lawyers in different practice areas, compiled based on peer-review evaluations. Lawyers are not required or allowed to pay a fee to be listed;...
As of April 28, 2021, in view of guidance from provincial Public Health, Burchells LLP's offices at 1801 Hollis Street are temporarily closed to the public. We are hopeful this closure can be...
Sincere congratulations go out to Burchells lawyer Victor Ryan as the recipient of this year's Zöe Odei Young Lawyer Award!
The CBA's Nova Scotia branch awards this honour each year to a young lawyer...
Articled clerk Cydney Kane writes on 'The Hidden Costs of a Criminal Record' in the current issue of Nova Voce, the magazine of the Canadian Bar Association's Nova Scotia branch.
A long-time...
Burchells is now accepting applications for articled clerk positions in the 2022-23 articling year. Applications must be submitted by January 11, 2021. Please visit our articling program page ...